Episode 20: Who’s Audacious Enough to Serve An Entire County?

A conversation about community needs, equipping teens, and how the two can go together.

For eleven years, Idaho Servant Adventures (ISA) has brought over 6,000 servant leaders (90,000 volunteer hours) to serve the people of Shoshone County in the panhandle of Idaho. Clint Kunze, the director of ISA, shares his vision for consistent service in Shoshone County, what it’s like being called to love a specific community, and how ISA equips teenagers for a lifetime of service and leadership. Also included in this conversation are heartwarming stories (awww) of people being changed, a description of ISA’s leadership training model, and Clint’s undeniable Wisconsin accent. [ISA is a service and leadership experience for youth groups from across the U.S.] ISA is based at Shoshone Mountain Retreat, a part of Lutherhaven Ministries. You can find out more at www.lutherhaven.com/idaho-servant-a…ures/about-isa/].

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