Grant Guidelines

Services > President’s Office > Grant Guidelines

Northwest District Grants help congregations and workers do their best work together -- reaching the lost, discipling the saved, and being essential participants and witnesses in their communities (Northwest District Ends Policies 1.0).

NOW District Grants are built around specific targets for the purpose of launching new ministries across the Northwest. Grants include the following:

COMMUNITY CARE GRANT: Community Care Grants do not follow the annual review cycle prior to disbursement. A ministry may request one at any time and can expect a response within two months.

CATALYST GRANT AND FAITH COMMUNITY GRANT: Catalyst and Faith Community Grants follow an annual grant-review cycle as listed below. Deadlines are final; applicants who miss these must plan to enter a future year’s application cycle.
Letter of Inquiry (LOI) Received: February 1 -- All Letters of Inquiry (LOI) for the calendar year’s grant cycle must be received at the District Office by February 1, in electronic or paper form (electronic to is preferable).
Grant Application Received: May 1 -- Should you receive an invitation from the executive team to submit a full application, it must be completed and received at the District Office by May 1.
Decisions Announced: July -- Decisions for Catalyst Grant awards are announced in July.

Funds provided are grants, not loans. The District expects that congregations, groups, projects, and individuals recognize District resources are not bottomless. Every congregation of the District shares responsibility for sustaining mission and ministry in the District. The NOW District encourages a pay-it-forward approach to all grant recipients. If you have any questions, reach out to us or to any leader of the District Executive Staff.