
Education Services empowers and supports school ministry across the NOW District, providing resources, guidance, and training for those who serve professionally and as volunteers at the early childhood, elementary, and high school levels. We believe school ministry is a critical arm of the Church, allowing us to achieve two key goals: 

  • Partnering with parents within our congregations in the instruction and nurture of their children, and
  • Connecting with parents of our communities to provide excellent instruction while sharing our faith with children and entire families.

Guidance, services, and many resources are available to assist those operating (or considering starting) educational ministries in the Northwest District. Some of the key services offered include:

  • Leadership Coaching for school leaders at all levels.
  • Help with school accreditation through National Lutheran School Accreditation.
  • Annual Professional Development opportunities.
  • Board Training Workshops.
  • Guidance and Assistance with Call Processes for teachers and leaders.
  • Funding assistance for new initiatives through the NOW District Catalyst Grant.
  • EC-12 Leadership Podcast.

Reach out directly to our Education Executive, Jim Scriven, or Executive Assistant, Kelsie Wiley, if you have questions with which they may be able to assist: