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2024 All Workers Conference

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Serving in the stead of Jesus takes resilience. It did for Jesus, and it does for us. He was continually hounded by demanding crowds,

Catalyst Grant Surpasses $1 Million

After 10 years and more than $1 million awarded, the NOW District Catalyst Grant program continues to fund innovative projects in the Northwest. This effort, which supports new bridges into

Good Shepherd House Proclaims God’s Love

On May 29, folks from the Lutheran and Christian community, citizens of the city of Seattle, and partners of Low Income Housing Institute (LIHI) gathered to celebrate the grand opening

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The Northwest District website is an online space where people can share and receive encouragement through telling and hearing stories of God at work. The District staff reserves the right to edit or delete story content. If there are other people or organizations involved in the story, you must get their permission to post the story. (Accepted practice is to share the final copy of the story for an “OK” prior to posting.) Content may also be shared across other platforms (social media, email, etc.).

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