“Adopt A Care Center” – Being a Blessing to the Community Through Outreach
In 2023, with the help of a NOW District Catalyst Grant, Lutheran Ministry Services Northwest (LMSN) started a campaign encouraging congregations to “Adopt A Care Center” in their area. Through this program, volunteers can provide song services with short Bible lessons, provide Bible studies, and encourage the residents and staff via seasonal gifts. (Think of the pumpkin deliveries LMSN has made in October for several years, Easter card deliveries, etc.). LMSN is a NOW District partner and RSO that serves across Seattle, the King County area, and beyond.
And they are still looking for more congregations who wish to get involved. LMSN is prepared to help by:
- Visiting your congregation to do a presentation to help inspire volunteers
- Helping to establish contacts at care centers
- Training volunteers
- Providing materials such as large print songbooks
- Providing ongoing support to discuss experiences and share best practice
Contact Dcs. Ruth Ann Shimoi to learn more.
One example of a congregation engaged in that program is St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Port Angeles, Washington. They invited Dcs. Shimoi to their congregation to present about the program to help get them started. She shared materials with them – provided in part by a Catalyst Grant – large print songbooks, accompanying CDs devotional resources, etc. A few months later, members sent the letter below. You will see what a blessing it is to the care center residents and what a joy it is for those who reach out.
Dear Ruth Ann,
We just completed our fourth visit to Saint Andrew’s Place to share with the residents. We call our time together “Make a Joyful Noise.” … Usually, there are four of us [volunteers], although it has only been three the past couple of Sundays. We use the music books and [CDs] you provided and have a PA system. My husband Carl runs all the music, and we read scripture and talk about our faith, Jesus’s and the Father’s love for us, hope, grace, and prayer. We generally have about 16 participants. We are thrilled. We feel so blessed. We will be hoping to add more volunteers in the next few months … Thank you for all the materials and your encouragement.
Janis D.