Six Mission Minutes – The Olympic Fervor of Faith

Olympic fervor has been palpable in the last month. Did you feel it too? Did you catch any of those competitions? We think of them as competitions but some of those sports, like the marathon, started simply with someone carrying good news. There is a story like that in the scriptures too, in 2 Samuel 18. It is a story of two runners carrying good news. Check it out and see who got there first. The scriptures invite us to carry the good news of Jesus with that same fervor, with an Olympic fervor of faith. We carry good news of salvation, and because of that, as Isaiah said, “I will not be quiet. . . until salvation goes forth like a burning torch” (Isaiah 62:1). Check out this month’s Six Mission Minutes and through this simple avenue of bringing God’s Word in your life, tap into that fervor of faith as well.

Six Mission Minutes Episode 3 – The Olympic Fervor of Faith

NOW District President's Office

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