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LCEF Honors Susan Olson with the Haake Leadership Award

This past November, retired Northwest District LCEF Vice President Susan Olson was honored with the esteemed 2023 Arthur C. Haake Leadership Award. The award recognizes individuals who exemplify outstanding service

Our Wonderful Life in Christ

A Christmas Message Video from President Paul Linnemann, December, 2023. Our Wonderful Life in Christ from Northwest District LCMS.

‘He Brought Church to Bear Creek’

On Tuesday, July 18, 2023, a brush fire in Molalla, Oregon forced the evacuation of Bear Creek Memory Care. The fire was controlled quickly and residents were able to return.

Take the Youth Leadership Initiative (YLI) Survey!

It’s here! The Youth Leadership Initiative (YLI) Survey was created to help capture vital behaviors that will lead youth, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to become effective leaders

Reviving the Concordia Christmas Chorale

One of the most memorable events at Concordia College/University each year was the annual Christmas Chorale. When graduates and community members reminisce about Concordia, the Christmas Chorale nearly always comes

The History of BSLC HOP Day

In the summer of 2021, our congregation (Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church in Boise, Idaho) held a Resuming Ministries gathering as a way to re-engage after our COVID period. A number

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