What is a sabbatical, and why is it important? How does it fit into the overall worker wellness picture? And why should ministries encourage their leaders to take one?
These are just a few of the questions we’ll be looking to answer when a new sabbatical toolkit launches later this year. It is a resource we are developing that will help support worker resiliency — a key focal point for the NOW District in 2023.
What can you expect?
You can expect to find out how and why to create a sabbatical, as well as what obstacles you may encounter along the way. There will be a special section just for congregations as they work to address their role in the process (spoiler alert: it’s a HUGE part). Many congregations want to be able to offer this worker wellness benefit but don’t know where to even begin; this document will be a starting point. A resource page will also offer leads to help track down more information.
Submissions Needed!
The toolkit will additionally feature one-page case studies from pastors who have experienced a sabbatical and/or developed guidelines for their own congregations to use. You’ll hear real stories of why a sabbatical benefits both the worker and the ministry, with contact info for asking follow-up questions. And if you have taken a sabbatical at any point in the past, we are seeking submissions to be included. Please consider sharing your story!
We are also looking for policy examples from bylaws or employee handbooks to use as examples. You may email those to Elena in the President’s Office.
We want this to be a one-stop shop for all things sabbatical for workers and congregations all along the West Coast (and beyond).
Keep watching our website for more info!