Fall 2022 MTC Schedule of Online Classes

Mission Training Center is an important partner to the NOW District in our ministry efforts. This robust lay leadership training platform helps develop women and men for mission with a plethora of online opportunities. Check out MTC’s upcoming Fall classes below. You can also see the entire schedule here. Small group leaders, Bible study leaders, elders, Lay Deacons, and parents benefit from strengthening their understanding of how to better share the Good News of Jesus in all of life’s interactions. 

MTC009 God’s Mission in the Church From the Time of Christ to AD1500 

Oct. 4 – Oct. 25 

Tuesdays 6-8 p.m. 

8 Hours 

4 Weeks 

Dr. Linda Borecki 

Cost: $150

MTC004 Proclaiming the Faith 

Oct. 8 – Dec. 03 (Note: No class Nov. 26) 

Saturdays 8-10 a.m. 

16 Hours 

8 Weeks 

Rev. Bo Baumeister 

Cost: $300 

MTC021-SEDB – Sharing the Faith 

Oct. 18 – Nov. 8 

Tuesdays 7-9 p.m. (ET) 

8 Hours 

4 Weeks

Rev. Travis Guse

Cost: $150

MTC002-SEDC – New Testament 

Oct. 18 – Nov 8 

Tuesdays 7-9 PM (ET) 

8 Hours 

4 Weeks 

Rev. Dr. Jeff Kloha 

Cost: $150 

MTC002-SEDC – New Testament

Oct. 18 – Nov 8

Tuesdays 7-9 PM (ET)

8 Hours

4 Weeks

Rev. Dr. Jeff Kloha

Cost: $150

MTC016 Spiritual Leadership Formation

Nov. 8 – Nov. 29

Tuesdays 6-8 p.m. 

8 Hours

4 Weeks

Rev. Tim BayerCost: $150

MTC020 Church Administration: Organizing Ministry for Mission 

Dec. 6 – Jan. 3 (Note: No class Dec. 27)

Tuesdays 6-8 p.m. 

8 Hours

4 Weeks

Rev. Tim BayerCost: $150

To apply to MTC and/or register for a class, visit missiontrainingcenter.com.

*A minimum of five (5) students is required for a course to be held in the online format. 

* It is MTC’s intent to offer each course at least once every 18 months. 

* Class dates are subject to change. 

** All classes are listed in the Pacific time zone unless otherwise noted. (Eastern add 3 hrs / Central add 2 hrs / Mountain add 1 hr)

Cost of Classes: 

8 hours / 4 weeks = $150 

16 hours / 8 weeks = $300

New to MTC? 

Are you taking classes as part of a certification process through your district or mission organization? Be sure to connect with that organization prior to starting at MTC. They may have a separate application process and they may have updated their track since we posted it to our site. 

Are you taking classes for your own personal growth and desire to have a more mission-focused outlook as a Christian? Feel free to register for any non-cohort class at anytime. 

Toll Free: 888-693-5267 

Phone: 503-288-8383 

Fax: 503-284-2785 

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get directions >> 1700 NE Knott Street Portland, OR 97212  

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