The crisis in Ukraine continues. There are a number of ways we can help our neighbors impacted by these devastating events:
Donate to Lutheran World Relief
The previous gift matching opportunity for up to $488,000 has been met — amazing! But the needs continue. From the LWR website: “Our hearts are overwhelmed with your generosity. Because of your rapid response, the match has been met. Time is of the essence and your love is reaching neighbors immediately. Thank you so much.
Yet the needs of our neighbors in Ukraine and the number of refugees are growing every hour. Your continued love will get cash directly into the hands of refugees and support the incredible partners, including other Lutheran congregations near Ukraine, that are welcoming neighbors in with loving arms.
Our teams are on the ground meeting immediate needs and planning a longer-term response as families rebuild their lives after destruction. But we can’t do it without you.
Please continue to give – and to inspire your congregation – to give generously.”
You may donate here. Your gift will provide food, shelter, and emergency funds. Read this story on how gifts have helped.
The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
The Lutheran Church-Missouri Syond is offering prayers and support for displaced Ukrainians. From the LCMS website: “As the situation in Ukraine continues, the church prays for peace and for those in harm’s way. We also strive to provide for those affected.
The Office of International Mission of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is working with several Lutheran church bodies and missionaries in Europe to help our brothers and sisters in Christ in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ukraine, Lutheran refugees and others affected by the violence.”
Go here for more info and for ways to donate. Read this story on how gifts have helped.
Thoughts on Lent from Ukraine
Read this article shared by Michigan District President David. P.E. Maier. As he wrote on March 1: “I have received information that our LCMS is in contact with our Lutheran friends in Ukraine, and also with those in surrounding countries where refugees are fleeing (Romania, Poland, Czech Republic and more).
Part of the information that was disseminated from Ukraine was the following meditation from Bishop Serge Maschewski
(pronounced Mah-SHES-kee, a graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary’s “Russia Project” 20 years ago). Bishop Maschewski’s church has some thirty-five pastors who have suffered greatly in recent years. Nonetheless, they remain steadfast Christ followers and Lutherans. They do so precisely now in the midst of the horror of this war.
I found this meditation inspiring, encouraging, and convicting. May it be so for you also under the blessing of the Holy Spirit, as we prepare for Lent.”
A Final Note on Donations
As you determine your ability to donate, it’s also important to stay vigilant on which organizations will effectively use your gifts. Consider this list from Ministry Watch, which outlines a few principles to keep in mind when giving. They also offer assessments on some of the groups that are raising funds for Ukraine.