LMSN Sends Pumpkins (and Love) to Care Centers

With the help of a 2023 NOW District Catalyst Grant, Lutheran Ministry Services Northwest (LMSN) started a campaign encouraging congregations to adopt a care center in their area. This “adoption” involves volunteers leading song services with short Bible lessons, providing Bible studies, and encouraging the residents and staff via seasonal gifts – including pumpkins they deliver each Fall. This is a great way to show mercy and love to those who sometimes feel forgotten.

LMSN’s most recent delivery took place in October. These pumpkins started from seed, then growth in the patch, then plucked from the patch, then put in a bin, and finally delivered to LMSN’s Care Ministry Coordinator, Deaconess Ruth Ann Shimoi. From the bin, many hands helped take them out to get loaded into cars and trucks for the journey to one of 22 care centers.

Upon arrival at the care centers, the pumpkins were met by very enthusiastic activity directors who exclaimed their joy as they received them for the residents of the facility to decorate. A couple of helpers even assembled bags with stickers, feathers, googly eyes, etc., for the residents. At one of the care centers, school-aged children joined the residents to decorate. What a truly good time! At another one, the ladies of the LWML Lutheran Church of the Cross in Kent, Washington joined. Laughter and competition abounded among residents and staff. A resident who took first place in a contest even used Christian symbols to decorate.

This yearly pumpkin event blesses both young and old. Shimoi is grateful for generous donors who support LMSN so projects like this can continue.

LMSN is a NOW District partner and RSO that serves Seattle, the King County area, and beyond. They are still looking for more congregations who would like to be part of adopting a care center. If you participate, LMSN supports by:

  • Visiting your congregation to do a presentation to inspire volunteers
  • Help with establishing contacts at care centers
  • Training volunteers
  • Providing materials such as large print songbooks
  • Providing ongoing support to discuss experiences and share best practices

Contact Shimoi to learn more and get started: ruthannshimoi@lmsnw.org or 206-450-7218 ext. 3.

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