Two Important Events to Celebrate NOW District Leaders

Big changes are ahead as we make the transition to a new NOW District President. And you are invited to the celebrations! Join us for two very special events coming up in May:

Paul Linnemann Retirement Open House
An open house will be held on Saturday, May 25, from 1-3 p.m. at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Tigard (13401 SW Benish St., Tigard, OR 97223) to celebrate the retirement of District President Paul Linnemann. Please come to enjoy some fellowship, share stories, and say thank you for his many years of wonderful ministry in the NOW District! Click here for more details!

Mike Von Behren Installation Service — CLICK FOR THE LIVESTREAM!
“These things I remember. . . how I would go with the throng and lead them in procession to the house of God with glad shouts and songs of praise” (Psalm 42:4). We are eagerly inviting all in the NOW District to join us for the District President Installation Service taking place on Sunday, May 26, at 7 p.m. at St. Michael’s Lutheran Church in Portland (6700 N 29th Ave., Portland, OR 97211), with an informal dessert reception to follow. IMPORTANT NOTE: You may park in the former Concordia parking lot across the street (by the baseball fields). 

All LCMS church workers, ordained and commissioned (Deaconesses, DCEs, DCOs, DPMs, etc.), and LLDs will be invited to participate by coming forward during the prayers for the newly installed president during the service.

LCMS Pastors who would like to vest and join the celebration as part of the processional are invited to:

  1. RSVP by May 22 to Elena or Jenny so that we know how many seats to plan for.
  3. Arrive no later than 6:40 p.m. on May 26. Meet and robe in the FELLOWSHIP HALL. 
  4. Please park in the former Concordia parking lot across the street (by the baseball fields).

Get more details on this event here.

St. Michael’s will livestream the service on their YouTube channel and leave the recording up for people to view later. CLICK FOR THE LIVESTREAM!

You can read more about the district president transition here.

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