Collaboration, Research Leads to Pastoral Formation Paper

At the invitation of the faculty of the two LCMS Seminaries, the three West Coast District Presidents prepared and delivered a “white paper” to the Council of Presidents and representatives of the Seminaries in April 2024 on pastoral formation and increasing the flexibility of access to pastoral training. The paper is the culmination of in-depth research and collaboration by 13 District Presidents and their executive staff, providing a diagnosis of the issues/challenges as well as strategic recommendations for enhancing pastoral formation.

The document, titled “An Ordained LCMS Pastor for Every Synod Congregation: Nine Recommendations for Forming and Providing Pastors in the LCMS,” represents a collaborative effort to tackle the pressing need for ordained pastors that we are experiencing today.

All three District Presidents on the West Coast agree: “We believe the desire for an ordained LCMS pastor in every Synod congregation is a shared value across our Synod for it reflects our shared confession of the Office of the Ministry as a gift of Christ to his church.”

This is a must-read document for understanding the present state of pastoral formation in the LCMS and options to improve for 21st Century challenges. Get it here.

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